Camera and attendance systems, electronic fire systems, electronic security systems and data networks
- We have been operating on the market since 1991.
- We are a leader in system integration of low-current security, identification and communication technologies.
- We provide round the clock service support.

Camera systems
The tireless eye of the camera will prevent theft, enhance workplace safety and reduce production operating costs.
Security systems
Smart electronic security system detectors detect unauthorised entry, electronic fire system sensors can provide early warning of a fire.
Data networks
We build low-current backbone distribution systems for manufacturing plants, industrial enterprises and logistics centres.
Integrated systems
Do you have CCTV, attendance, access control, alarm and other systems in your company? We connect and set everything up into a smart, functional whole.
Attendance system AKTION
Makes it easier for companies like yours to operate. With AKTION's smart attendance system, you can quickly process people data, including automatically preparing data for payroll SW.
16 000+
installed cameras
30 years
in the low voltage industry
24/7 service
in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
We work for top Czech industry and business leaders

Telephone: +420 222 746 300
Support: +420 222 746 303
EFG CZ spol. s r.o.
Zelený pruh 1560/99
140 00 Praha 4
IČ: 25649876
DIČ: CZ25649876
Registered: MS Praha 3, Section C, 58052
ČSOB, a.s.
Na Příkopě 18, Praha 1
Account No. (EUR) 129206798/0300
IBAN: CZ6503000000000129206798